Monday, 31 March 2014

40K Battle Report: Chaos Space Marines vs. Tobi's Orcs

Thursday I met with Tobi, a very nice guy from my martial arts training group. Tobi plays Orks in Warhammer 40K and Dwarfs and Ogre Kingdoms in Fantasy. It was my first game in the new appartment. We played on the new dining table in the living room.

I fielded my Chaos Marines against Tobi's Orks.

It was the first game in the living room of the new appartment.

Tobi fielded his army of Orks. He took a Warboss with some Boyz in a Trukk, a big mob of Boyz with shootas, a big mob of Boyz with choppas, a Big mob of Lootas, three Big Gunz and a Dakkajet. I fielded my Chaos Marines. This time I tried something new. I took a Chaos General with the mark of Khorne and a Demon Weapon together with some Khorne Berserkers in a Rhino, a squad of Chaos Marines with two Melters in a Rhino, a small squad of Cultists with guns, a group of five Chaos Spawn and two Vindicators.

It was a very close game for most of the time and with lots of casualties. From the fourth turn on I had some really bad dice rolls - especially with my Vindicators - and was nearly butchered in the end. Despite the fact, that not a single of six objectives was held, Tobi won 3:1. Congratulations! It was a lot of fun to play with Tobi because he is a very polite guy and he only plays with good painted miniatures. Hope to repeat it soon.

I had nothing that could shoot at Tobi's Dakkajet so I tried to ignore it.


In the end most of my vehicles were burning.


  1. Das Big Flugzeug sieht super aus! Schade, dass die Chaos Marines nur einen Maschinendrachen als Flieger haben.

    Wie war es denn, mit den Spawn zu spielen?

    1. Wobei ich den Drachen auch schön finde...

      Die Spawn machen viel Spaß, weil sie sich ganz schnell bewegen und nicht durch Gelände beeinträchtigt werden. Allerdings empfehle ich, mit Ihnen anzugreifen anstatt sich angreifen zu lassen und ihnen das Mal des Nurgle zu geben, damit sie Widerstand 6 bekommen.

  2. Jetzt ist mir aufgefallen, dass ihr beide lila Armeen spielt.

    1. Was ist denn da mit den Augen los??? Die Orks sind doch dunkelrot!

    2. Augen sind ok. Hier auf meinem Bildschirm ist alles lila.

    3. Wie? Was? Das ist doch rot!!!
