Monday, 2 December 2013

Spiel 2013

Time passes by... More than a month has already passed since we visited the "Spiel 2013" convention in Essen. This time I went there with Bettina and Andi. Like every year it was great experience for us all.

I got hooked by the new Star Trek Attack Wing by Wizkids Games and asked Bettina and Andi for a trial session. It's a great game. So I bought the starter set and several expansions and started to play it with Bettina in Munich.

Bettina took many pictures on the con and Andi bought more than three plastic bags full of new games. The bags were so heavy, he couldn't carry them alone.

On our way to the Gruga fair in Essen.

The gaming crowd.

This year I tried out the new Star Trek Attack Wing game.

I liked it a lot so I bought it directly.

Andi liked many more games and bought them all.